surf fishing hook size

Surf Fishing Hook Size: What You Need to Know to Catch the Big One

Looking to enhance your surf fishing trips with the perfect hook size? Discover the best hook sizes for surf fishing, including octopus hooks and circle hooks, to maximize your chances of catching surf perch and have an exciting beach fishing experience. Get ready to elevate your surf fishing game and find out the ideal hook…

Mastering The High Low Rig

Mastering The High Low Rig: How To Build And Fishing Tips And Techniques

When it comes to fishing in the surf, one rig that I always rely on is the high low rig. What I love about this rig is its versatility, making it perfect for different fishing situations. It’s a favorite among anglers, especially for surf fishing, because it’s easy to use and can catch a variety…

Carolina Rigs For Redfish

Carolina Rig for Redfish: Tips and Techniques for Successful Fishing

The Carolina rig is a versatile and effective bait rig for catching redfish. It is popular among anglers for its simplicity and ability to work with natural bait or artificial lures. The rig consists of a sliding egg sinker, a swivel, a leader line, and a hook. The weight of the sinker allows the bait…

Redfish Surf Fishing Rigs

Redfish Surf Fishing Rigs: Tips and Techniques for Successful Fishing

Redfish surf fishing is a popular pastime for anglers looking to catch the elusive red drum from the shore. Red drum, also known as redfish, are a highly prized game fish due to their hard-fighting nature and delicious taste. To catch these fish from the surf, you’ll need the right equipment, including the right red…

weedless wacky rig feature

Senko Wacky Rig: Top 5 Quick and Simple Ways to Set Up and Fish

Can wacky rigging a Senko worm step up your game? Senko worms can be utilized in a variety of ways when used with a wacky rig. It’s flexible enough to present horizontally or vertically in the water column, which gives the angler several possibilities. In this post, you’ll learn how to rig a weightless Senko,…

Best Steelhead Rigs For Bank Fishing And Bobber Fishing

5 Best Steelhead Rigs for Bank Fishing And Bobber Fishing

This guide reviews the best steelhead rigs for bank and bobber fishing, how to build and fish, and seasonal runs, and best baits and lures. The hard-fighting, silvery pinkish fish known as the “steelhead” (or “steelie”) is often called the “fish of a thousand casts,” implying that they are difficult to capture! Which makes them…

Fish Finder Setup

The Fish Finder Rig: How To Master Best Rig For Surf Fishing

The Fish Finder Rig setup is the best surf fishing rig, perfect for catching fish in rough surf. These beach fishing rigs use a bottom presentation that moves freely and naturally with the current and bounces the bait to simulate injured baitfish. The sinker slides above a swivel on the main line. Learn the steps…

Salmon Rigs For Bank Fishing

Salmon Rigs For Bank Fishing: Best Rigs For Plunking, Drifting, And Casting

Fishing rigs are the combination of hooks, weights, snaps, and spreaders you add at the end of your fishing line. What makes salmon fishing rigs for bank fishing different from the rest are two things: the water speed and structure for fishing migratory lanes, riffles, and runs. This hands-on guide shows how to build salmon…